Add calculated row in SQL: SUM/AVG/COUNT/etc

I need to calculate the percentage of Confirmed vs Preliminary in a table generated by SQL in Athena. The fenced code block below shows the table.

Calculation   england_0to1_weeks  england_1to2_weeks
Preliminary                  17                   19
Confirmed                    10                   16

I would like to add a row at the bottom of the table that calculates the percentage of Confirmed vs Preliminary (formula is Confirmed/Preliminary * 100):

Calculation   england_0to1_weeks  england_1to2_weeks
Preliminary                  17                   19
Confirmed                    10                   16
Percentage                   59                   84

I have tried using union all, pivot and unpivot but may be using these wrong. Any help would be hugely appreciated!

You can achieve the desired result using the UNION ALL operator in SQL. Here’s the SQL query to add the percentage row at the bottom of the table:

SELECT Calculation, england_0to1_weeks, england_1to2_weeks
FROM YourTable
SELECT 'Percentage', 
       (Confirmed.england_0to1_weeks / Preliminary.england_0to1_weeks) * 100,
       (Confirmed.england_1to2_weeks / Preliminary.england_1to2_weeks) * 100
FROM YourTable Preliminary
JOIN YourTable Confirmed ON Preliminary.Calculation = 'Preliminary' AND Confirmed.Calculation = 'Confirmed'

Replace YourTable with the actual name of your table in Athena. This query will add a row called “Percentage” at the bottom of the table, and the values in the columns will be calculated using the formula Confirmed/Preliminary * 100.