Can GAE use PHP72, ImageMagick for WEBP output?

Issue: Configuring ImageMagick on Google App Engine

I am developing a PHP 7.2 app on Google App Engine and using ImageMagick to output image resizes. I added $im->setImageFormat('webp'); to the code, and while it works fine locally, when deployed to App Engine, I receive an “Unable to set image format” error.

I checked phpinfo() on App Engine and found that their PHP 7.2.23 runtime, with enabled, does not include WEBP support. I also tried the php73 runtime and it does not support it either.


Is it possible to configure App Engine’s ImageMagick to include WEBP support?

No, it is not possible to configure App Engine’s ImageMagick to include WEBP support as it is not supported by their PHP runtimes. You may need to find an alternative solution or consider using a different platform that supports WEBP with ImageMagick.