Change grid to count left-right, top-bottom?

I am trying to create a square grid of map coordinates with a gridOrder count that starts counting in the top left corner, left to right, top to bottom. Desired output:

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

Currently, my code produces the following output:

 3 | 6 | 9
 2 | 5 | 8
 1 | 4 | 7

How can I adjust the code to assign a gridOrder count in the desired pattern?

import bbox from "@turf/bbox";
import { Units, point } from "@turf/helpers";
import pointGrid from "@turf/point-grid";
import buffer from "@turf/buffer";

const createGridCoordinates = (
  centerCoordinates: google.maps.LatLngLiteral,
  numPointsPerSide: number,
  gridDimension: number,
  unitOfMeasure: Units
) => {
  // Calculate the cell size
  const cellSize = gridDimension / (numPointsPerSide - 1);

  // Calculate half the grid size to find the distance from center to edges of bounding box
  const halfGridSize = gridDimension / 2;

  // Make the bounding box around a center point and a circle buffer radius
  // Radius is extended by 10% of a cellSize (cellSize / 10) to include
  // east and north edges when gridDimension is an exact multiple of the grid spacing
  const boundingBox = bbox(
      halfGridSize + cellSize / 10,
        units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Make the grid. This is an array of grid coordinates.
  const grid = pointGrid(boundingBox, cellSize, {
    units: unitOfMeasure,

  // Extract the coordinates from the grid and add gridOrder
  const coordinatesGrid =, index) => {
    const [longitude, latitude] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
    const coordinatesGridItem = {
      coordinates: { lat: latitude, lng: longitude },
      // Adjust the gridOrder pattern here
      gridOrder: numPointsPerSide * Math.floor(index / numPointsPerSide) + (index % numPointsPerSide) + 1,
    return coordinatesGridItem;

  return coordinatesGrid;

To assign the gridOrder count in the desired pattern, you can modify the calculation of the gridOrder value in the map function of the coordinatesGrid array. Replace the following line:

gridOrder: numPointsPerSide * Math.floor(index / numPointsPerSide) + (index % numPointsPerSide) + 1,


gridOrder: (index % numPointsPerSide) * numPointsPerSide + Math.floor(index / numPointsPerSide) + 1,

This will produce the desired output pattern.