Disable/hide a button in intro.js for a step: add "data-intro-disabled='true'

I am trying to disable the #addButton button in the second step.

var intro = introJs();

    steps: [
            element: "#add_temp",
            intro: "Add your template"
            element: "#addButton",
            intro: "Please click on add button ",
            hideNext: true,
            disableInteraction: true         

I am trying to disable the #addButton button in the second step by adding the disableInteraction: true option.

To disable the #addButton button in the second step, add the disableInteraction: true option as shown below:

var intro = introJs();

    steps: [
            element: "#add_temp",
            intro: "Add your template"
            element: "#addButton",
            intro: "Please click on add button ",
            hideNext: true,
            disableInteraction: true         