Fix cacheKey error in .rs.WorkingDataEnv

Error Message

Error in exists(cacheKey, where = .rs.WorkingDataEnv, inherits = FALSE) : 
  invalid first argument

I am getting the following error message when running a code in R:

Error in exists(cacheKey, where = .rs.WorkingDataEnv, inherits = FALSE) : 
  invalid first argument

This error message appears after using the rm() function to delete a couple of data frames.

The error message “Error in exists(cacheKey, where = .rs.WorkingDataEnv, inherits = FALSE) : invalid first argument” occurs when the exists() function in R receives an invalid argument as its first parameter.

To fix this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the arguments passed to the exists() function and ensure that the cacheKey variable is valid.
  2. Verify that the where argument is set correctly. It should be set to the environment where the variable cacheKey is expected to exist.
  3. Make sure the inherits argument is set appropriately. It determines whether the search for the variable should include parent environments.
  4. Double-check the value of the cacheKey variable and ensure that it exists in the specified environment.

By reviewing and correcting these aspects, you should be able to resolve the “invalid first argument” error.