Focus next edittext after maxlength with doOntextListener, Kotlin

I want to set focus on the next EditText after the max character length is reached for each EditText.

I have three EditTexts and a button. The input will be a date as numbers (DD MM YYYY). When two characters are input in EditText1, I want the focus to automatically move to EditText2. When two characters are input in EditText2, I want the focus to move to EditText3, which should have a max character length of four. After the user has input four characters, the focus should be set on the button.

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    EditText1.doOnTextChanged { text, start, count, after ->
        if(count == 2) {
    EditText2.doOnTextChanged { text, start, count, after ->
        if(count == 2) {
EditText3.doOnTextChanged { _, _, _, _ ->
    if (EditText3.text.toString().length == 4) {