Provision Postgres DB w/ Pulumi, Docker & secret pw?


Using Pulumi, how can I provision a Postgres database using Docker without exposing the postgres password?


Currently, when inspecting the container’s environment variables, the postgres password is viewable.


The following Pulumi code can be used to provision a Postgres database using Docker without exposing the postgres password:

import * as docker from '@pulumi/docker'
import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'
import network from '../network'
import { Volume } from '../volumes'

const container_name = `${pulumi.getProject()}-postgres`

const postgresConfig = new pulumi.Config('postgres')

const postgres = pulumi
    .apply(([password]) => {
        const env = {
            POSTGRES_DB: postgresConfig.require('db'),
            POSTGRES_USER: postgresConfig.require('user'),
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password,

        return new docker.Container(container_name, {
            name: container_name,
            image: 'postgres:latest',
            restart: 'always',
            ports: [
                    internal: 5432,
                    external: 5432,
            networksAdvanced: [
            volumes: [
                    volumeName: Volume.postgres,
                    containerPath: '/var/lib/postgres/data',
            healthcheck: {
                interval: '10s',
                retries: 10,
                tests: ['pg_isready -U $$POSTGRES_USER -d $$POSTGRES_DB'],
                timeout: '2s',
            envs: [

export default postgres

The Pulumi code provided provisions a Postgres database using Docker without exposing the postgres password.