Update state in React Context

Create a MetaDataContext with React.createContext that stores data and setData. Then create a MetaDataProvider component to provide the context to other components. Pass the data and setData variables to the context so that they can be accessed by other components using the useMetaData hook:

interface MetaDataContextProps {
    data: MetaData
    setData: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<MetaData>>

const MetaDataContext = React.createContext<MetaDataContextProps>({
    data: x,
    setData: y,

export function useMetaData(): MetaDataContextProps {
    return useContext(MetaDataContext)

export function MetaDataProvider({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>) {
    const [data, setData] = useState<MetaData>(defaultJSON)

    return <MetaDataContext.Provider value={{ data, setData }}>{children}</MetaDataContext.Provider>

Here is the solution to the issue:

import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';

interface MetaData {
  // Define your MetaData type here

interface MetaDataContextProps {
  data: MetaData;
  setData: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<MetaData>>;

const MetaDataContext = createContext<MetaDataContextProps>({
  data: {} as MetaData,
  setData: () => {},

export function useMetaData(): MetaDataContextProps {
  return useContext(MetaDataContext);

export function MetaDataProvider({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>) {
  const [data, setData] = useState<MetaData>({} as MetaData);

  return (
    <MetaDataContext.Provider value={{ data, setData }}>

In the code above, I have created a MetaDataContext using the createContext function from React. This context provides a way to share the data and setData variables across components.

The MetaDataProvider component is responsible for providing the context to other components. It uses the useState hook to manage the data state and passes the data and setData variables to the context using the value prop of the Provider component.

The useMetaData hook can be used in other components to access the data and setData variables from the context. By importing and calling this hook, you can easily access and update the shared state in your components.